Emmanuel De Cosse Brissac, wineshop owner
Lisa De Cosse Brissac, dabbler in creative expression
Emmanuel’s wineshop is the Willy Wonka factory of the wine world, except it’s missing inflatable blue girls and Everlasting Gobstoppers. Shelves full of red and white bottles and deli products; you walk in, you walk out with 6 bottles of Pinot Noir and creamy French cheeses. You come back the next day, you walk in, you walk out…You get where this story goes.
Then there is Lisa, the sort of woman who when in the kitchen, makes the Iron Chef look like a job seeker at Tursa employment agency. Lately she has been heavily focused on etching and breaking the rules wherever she can.
The Pixel Trade involved photographing Emmanuel’s Wineshop for press releases and some of Lisa’s prints from her first exhibition…try achieving this when full of wine and cheese for 3 days straight.
Recommended album from Lisa
Florence + The Machine | Ceremonials
Duration…3 days
Emmanuel De Cosse Brissac, wineshop owner
Lisa De Cosse Brissac, dabbler in creative expression
Emmanuel’s wineshop is the Willy Wonka factory of the wine world, except it’s missing inflatable blue girls and Everlasting Gobstoppers. Shelves full of red and white bottles and deli products; you walk in, you walk out with 6 bottles of Pinot Noir and creamy French cheeses. You come back the next day, you walk in, you walk out…You get where this story goes.
Then there is Lisa, the sort of woman who when in the kitchen, makes the Iron Chef look like a job seeker at Tursa employment agency. Lately she has been heavily focused on etching and breaking the rules wherever she can.
The Pixel Trade involved photographing Emmanuel’s Wineshop for press releases and some of Lisa’s prints from her first exhibition…try achieving this when full of wine and cheese for 3 days straight.
Recommended album from Lisa
Florence + The Machine | Ceremonials
Duration…3 days