What kind of story unfolds in your mind when you think about traveling to all the continents of the world
without spending a cent of money on anything?

I had an idea of what would happen, but I didn’t think I’d be so perfectly wrong in almost every possible way.

Throughout my journey I kept a record of everything. Every interaction with people, every exploration of places, every email, every text
message, every moment of blind anger or complete ecstasy and every lie, misconception or secret.

From standing in the offices of multi-million dollar companies to driving through deserts for small clothing labels.
Luxury hotels to sleeping on yoga mats. Arguments on the streets to intimate moments under linens with a beautiful woman.
Eating mangrove worms with indigenous communities to laying sick in bed under the roof of a complete stranger.


This is a book that explores the boundaries of human connection and privacy in an environment completely created through trade. 
These pages contain intimate stories that some people might avoid sharing in order to protect their vulnerabilities, true identity or moments they’re not so proud of.
But I’m only interested in sharing the story as it was, not how I wanted it to be.