Ninotschka Titchkosky, architect
Andreas Schimkus, shoe developer
Edgar Saleika, operational expert
The rubber burnt on the tarmac of Melbourne airport. After a few moments on my phone, Andreas picked up my frequency, he was running a bit late...actually my plane was early. After a few moments discussion, he ended the call with, ‘Just grab yourself a coffee’. I paused. Then replied with a smile he couldn’t see, ‘I can’t...remember I’m not allowed to use money’... So started my great relationship with three incredibly talented people who all shared a drive for creating things that were focused on quality above all else.
The Pixel Trade involved a road trip from Melbourne to Sydney and back. 20hours + on the road with a decked out Airstream trailer, 2 European clowns and a whole lot of shoes under the cool label of MEYU. Meyu are kids shoes which were designed by the trio above and made using the best shoe technicians in Germany. The Airstream was used as a portable shop front for kids on the streets to come in and try a pair on. After spending 5 days with these guys I had a heaps of photographs, compiled a promo video and walked away knowing a whole lot more about a good pair of leather shoes.
Recommended album from Andreas
Beirut | The Flying Club Cup
Duration...5 days
Ninotschka Titchkosky, architect
Andreas Schimkus, shoe developer
Edgar Saleika, operational expert
The rubber burnt on the tarmac of Melbourne airport. After a few moments on my phone, Andreas picked up my frequency, he was running a bit late...actually my plane was early. After a few moments discussion, he ended the call with, ‘Just grab yourself a coffee’. I paused. Then replied with a smile he couldn’t see, ‘I can’t...remember I’m not allowed to use money’... So started my great relationship with three incredibly talented people who all shared a drive for creating things that were focused on quality above all else.
The Pixel Trade involved a road trip from Melbourne to Sydney and back. 20hours + on the road with a decked out Airstream trailer, 2 European clowns and a whole lot of shoes under the cool label of MEYU. Meyu are kids shoes which were designed by the trio above and made using the best shoe technicians in Germany. The Airstream was used as a portable shop front for kids on the streets to come in and try a pair on. After spending 5 days with these guys I had a heaps of photographs, compiled a promo video and walked away knowing a whole lot more about a good pair of leather shoes.
Recommended album from Andreas
Beirut | The Flying Club Cup
Duration...5 days