Lauren Augarten, actress/singer songwriter/producer
When you’re in New York City and you notice your fingers getting colder and your nose feeling like a ‘frosty’ there is only one logical trade to do... behind the scenes of a web series. Lauren Augarten is producing a web series called SCISSR, which follows the story of 4 lesbians living in Brooklyn and how each narrative comes together for an orchestral crescendo.
The Pixel Trade was photographing behind the scenes in a number of locations which put my Brooklyn Industries jacket from the previous trade to the test. We shot in art studios and on the cold streets outside of cleverly disguised carpentry workshops. Each setting had its little element of surprises, setbacks and challenges...Welcome to the show business.
Recommended album from Lauren
Ani DiFranco | Which Side Are You On
Duration...3 days
Lauren Augarten, actress/singer songwriter/producer
When you’re in New York City and you notice your fingers getting colder and your nose feeling like a ‘frosty’ there is only one logical trade to do... behind the scenes of a web series. Lauren Augarten is producing a web series called SCISSR, which follows the story of 4 lesbians living in Brooklyn and how each narrative comes together for an orchestral crescendo.
The Pixel Trade was photographing behind the scenes in a number of locations which put my Brooklyn Industries jacket from the previous trade to the test. We shot in art studios and on the cold streets outside of cleverly disguised carpentry workshops. Each setting had its little element of surprises, setbacks and challenges...Welcome to the show business.
Recommended album from Lauren
Ani DiFranco | Which Side Are You On
Duration...3 days