Trade clix | Month 22 | Spring
Caviar Nacarii
I had no idea what caviar tasted like... I didn’t really know exactly what it was or how it was created. After spending an intimate two days with these little pebbles of salty silkiness I developed both an appreciation and detestation towards the process and final market consumption. Visually however it was like nothing I’ve worked with before and this was a treat to explore.
The Pixel Trade was to photograph a few straight forward shots for Carviar Nacarii, a caviar company going through a rebranding. Once the ‘standard’ shots were done I was able to experiment with the direction I thought the branding should start to move towards. It was an experiment that consumed my interest for hours and hours in a tiny apartment by the seaside of Barcelona. A small obstacle was making sure the IKEA table top and plates equalled the same status as the caviar prestige.
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